Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Learning Herbal Remedy Basics

Herbalists are practitioners of holistic medicine who employ herbal remedies to help their clients. They believe that everyone has an inner vital force that is constantly working to maintain physical, emotional, and mental health.

Herbalists believe that disease comes when a person's inner force or natural immune system become out of balance. Then they prescribe an herbal remedy that are found in nature to bring back the inner balance of a person's systems.

Herbal remedies must always be treated with respect as they can be dangerous. Some of the most potent remedies come from plants and can be very toxic if not used properly. One thing that a lot of people misunderstand is that just because something says "natural" does not mean it does not have any serious side effects.

It is therefore imperative that you contact a herbal remedy practitioner before you begin taking herbal remedies of any kind. Natural remedies can even interact badly with prescription drugs.

Herbalists believe that their natural herbs work in our bodies the same way as the manufactured chemical prescription medicines do. However that is probably the only similarity.

See how much you can learn about Herbal Remedies when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information.

In the west herbal remedies are most often used for improving the quality of the bodies digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as improving the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Natural Herbs are also used to remove waste and toxins from the bodies cells, to soothe the skin and promote healing.

Herbal remedies are classified by the action they have in the body or which body systems they affect. For instance some herbal remedies a diuretic which means they stimulate and cause the elimination of urine. Some are sedatives that reduce the amount of nervous energy. And still other remedies are antiseptic and prevent infections.

Herbal remedies can be administered in many different ways. Some are to be used as a drink while others are used on the skin as a cream or ointment. Some other herbal remedies are taken in pill form or placed in a bath to soak in. These natural remedies treat the underlying cause of the illness and so the person taking them must be patient. This is because it will take longer to treat the actual cause of the problem than to just treat the symptoms as a lot of our chemical drugs do. With persistence and patience herbal remedies work rather well.

When deciding to use herbal remedies or not you have to remember that they work completely simply slower than other medicines. Therefore it is wrong to have the expectations that you will be well instantly as you sometimes are from chemical medicines.

Owen Walcher is a freelance writer, writing health and fitness articles such as Herbal Remedies 101 You can find more Herbal Remedies articles here: www.livehealthier.info

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